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 Used in the treatment of benign and malignant tumors, fibroid, and cyst.

Gulmahara Arka - 500 ml

    1. Kanchanara – Bauhinia variegata – 1500 mg – Useful in cervical lymphedinitis and thyroid complications.
    2. Tulsi – Holy basil – Ocimum sanctum – 1500 mg – Used for prevention and treatment of cancer.
    3. Amruta – Giloy – Tinospora cordifolia – 500 mg – It has immunomodulatory action.
    4. Amalaki – Indian gooseberry – Phyllanthus emblica – 500 mg – It has anti-cancer activity.
    5. Sadapushpa – Vinca plant – Catharanthus roseus – 2500 mg – The efforts are being carried to use the Periwinkle extract in the treatment of Neuroblastoma, Wilms tumor, Leukaemia etc.
    6. Bilwa – Bael tree – Aegle marmelos – 500 mg
    7. Nimba – Neem – Azadirachta indica – 500 mg
    8. Gomutra – 30 ml
  • 10 ml in 50 ml of water twice a day on an empty stomach
    Or as directed by the physician.

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